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What is Manual Therapy (MT)

In MT, pain and functional disorders of the movement system are examined and treated, for example lumbago, problems with intervertebral discs, tennis elbow, frozen shoulders, knee and hip problems or after an injury or operation. Manual therapy helps to relieve pain and eliminate movement disorders. Before the physiotherapist determines the treatment, he checks, among other things:


  • Mobility of joints and spine

  • Muscle function and tension

  • Coordination of movements


Both passive techniques and active exercises can be used in MT. During the treatment, the therapist mobilizes restricted or blocked joints, loosens tense muscles and loosens adhesions in the tissue coverings (fascia) or stabilizes overly mobile, unstable joints through individual exercises. The aim of manual therapy is to restore the interaction between joints, nerves and muscles. Manual therapy may only be carried out by specially trained, certified physiotherapists.




Andreas Meyer

Tätig im: fitwellPHYSIO

Rudolf-Diesel-Str. 5-9
78239 Rielasingen



Rezeption: +49 (0)7731 827 331


Mailbox: +49 (0)176 86965334